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From the Winemaker's Desk: Cherry Preview

Happy New Year! As we plan our seasonal wine releases for the year, I'm excited to share a sneak peek of our first seasonal release: Cherry. You can expect to see this wine released in our tasting room in late winter or early spring.

In true Two-EE's Winery style, we pursued a more exotic species of cherry than what you might expect for this sweet fruit wine. This particular Cherry wine release is made from Greek Kerassia Tragana cherries, world-famous for their juicy flavor and intense ruby color.

It is challenging to make a great fruit wine for various reasons. Our equipment is designed explicitly for grapes, and fruit varieties with fluffy, fibrous pulp can create difficulties when clarifying and filtering wine. However, cherries are among the more accessible fruits to handle, as their chemical makeup is similar to that of grapes. Martin, Jacob, and I enjoyed the process of making these bright, whole cherries into wine.

While some Cherry wines can end up thick and a bit medicinal, we've chosen a style for this wine that will highlight the lightly-candied sweetness of the cherries. As I write this, I am sipping on a sample of the cherry juice from the tank. Despite being a dry wine fan, I must say: I cannot wait for this one to come to fruition.

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Eric Harris

Owner & Director of Winemaking

March 2022 Update: Cherry is now available for purchase in our tasting room and online.