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Bottled Memories: Finding Your Winery Souvenirs

Visiting new wineries can be an exciting adventure. As you wander through expansive tasting rooms and scenic grounds, you ask yourself, What inspired this endeavor? What makes it unique in the wine industry? Which of their wines are "must-haves?" What are the best ways to make the most of my visit?

I was once guilty of limiting myself to just a few bottles at each stop on a winery tour, wondering how much trunk space in my car, or extra room in my suitcase, I'd have to bring some of my favorites home. It's a decision I later regretted. When I'd hold my only bottle of that remarkable dry Riesling I bought on that memorable trip, I was reluctant to open it. Save it for a special occasion, I'd say to myself. I purchased that bottle to enjoy on such a special occasion, but since it was my only one, it sat in my cellar like a relic until it was sadly past its prime.

Two ees winery blog wine cellar buy wine

When I find a wine I love (or, even better, several wines) now, I don't make the same mistake. I buy a bottle of that wine to cellar and at least two bottles of it to share with family and friends. It does mean a packed car on the way home - I recommend looking into each winery's shipping options - but my wife and I can share that wine and the wonderful memory of that winery visit every time I pop the cork on one of these bottles, sans guilt.

Our own wine list is full of unique and funky grape varietals as we continue to explore the outer edges of the wine world. Learn from me: when you find wines that you love at Two-EE's Winery, be sure to take home more than one bottle as a souvenir.

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Eric Harris

Owner & Director of Winemaking